The Phone Sex Operator Skill Set

What’s it take to be a PSO?

More than most people realize…. here are some of the needed skills that excellent phone sex operators tend to have:


Mental clarity

Creative thinking


Excellent conversational skills

The ability to listen closely

Strong gut instincts


The ability to think fast and change the direction of any conversation

Customer Service skills

Interest in psychology or a deep understanding of people

A healthy attitude toward others

The ability to handle a difficult personality

The ability to maintain control over the call

An entertaining and engaging personality

Research skills

Storytelling ability

Great use of language

Understanding pitch and tone of voice

Knowing various communications styles

Thick skin

Self-control and emotional regulation

Analytical thinking

Sales experience

A great sense of humor

Respect for others

A hard-working attitude where you can challenge yourself

Note-taking skills and a good memory

Lots of available time

Non-Judgment for other people

An understanding of mental issues

A little class and trash to your personality

A very liberal mind

Some basic acting ability

A mind that can daydream and visualize well

Meticulous with the little details

Computer skills

Emotionally intelligent

A strong self-esteem

The ability to flirt relentlessly

The ability to keep a conversation going

An enjoyment of men/people

A never give up attitude

The ability to set goals

Problem-solving skills


This list just flowed from my mind, but there are so many more things! Sometimes we are counselors, girlfriends, even just friends from the client’s point of view.  It’s a lot more than just random sex words or moaning. Sometimes we are the only bright spot in a client’s day. Phone sex ladies who are excellent operators are often “lifers” in this industry. And that’s great!